
  • Wildfires and Disaster Resilient Construction

    Dan Zehner from NHERI rejoins us for today's episode. The Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure, NHERI, is a shared-use network funded by multiple grants from the National Science Foundation. They conduct studies of natural hazards and their effects on manmade infrastructure elements to determine safer and more resilient construction methods and materials.

  • Hurricane Beryl Aftermath and Lessons Learned

    Our Meteorologist Dan Depodwin joins Dr. Joe Holley and our cohosts Sam Bradley and Jamie Davis on this episode. The team looks at the early major hurricane named Beryl that caused a revision of the current seasonal hurricane forecast to reflect an even more active season this year.

  • Dr. Genie Burnett on Mental Health Resilience for First Responders

    This episode Dr. Genie Burnett joins us to discuss mental health for first responders dealing with trauma. Genie has had the dream that one day, everyone would have access to resources that would help improve your mental health. This program has been in development since 2018. Because of her RIM technology partners, it has become a reality.

  • EMS Eagles Conference Revisit with Dr. Joe Holley

    In this episode Dr. Joe returns from several weeks of travel for education and conferences around disaster and emergency medical care. We also discussed the increased activity in the tropics with the first tropical storm of the year on the Atlantic side and two more systems under scrutiny for possible development. There's also a look at the extreme heat affecting much of the nation and the severe fire hazards in the New Mexico region.

  • Hurricane preparedness with Becky DePodwin

    Disaster Emergency Management expert Becky DePodwin goes through the necessary steps for a family prepping for hurricane season. The U.S. National Weather Service has a collection of preparedness pages for hurricanes including before, during, and after the weather event hits. Below are a few great resources to use when creating your family plan.

  • Disaster Alerts During Severe Weather Events

    In this week's episode, we touch on several tornado outbreaks in sections of the U.S. The alerts included a Tornado Warning in co-host Jamie Davis' home location. Emergency Disaster Management expert Becky DePodwin shares with us how the FEMA wireless emergency alert system is activated and who is in charge of it.

  • Severe Weather Impacts in U.S. and Around the World

    When weather attacks or seems to do so, it can be difficult to gather response in a timely fashion. In this episode of the Disaster Podcast, we chat with meteorologist Dan DePodwin and disaster emergency management expert Becky DePodwin about recent severe weather impacts that caused more than two dozen deaths in the U.S.

  • Mass Casualty Drill at Dulles International Airport

    In April, Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority conducted a mandatory mass casualty disaster drill. The location was Dulles International Airport in Virginia just outside of Washington, D.C. These exercises are supposed to be held every three years.

  • Updating and Improving Training Processes for Disaster Preparedness

    we bring in Kyle Nelson to talk about responder education and our needs to continue to increase and bolster our skill sets through training opportunities. Local and state responders are increasingly called on to be proficient in communications and collaboration with other teams including Federal or even international teams who respond to local needs.

  • Pediatric Patient Care During WMD Situations

    Dr. Matthew Smith joins the show tonight to talk about WMD response and the management of pediatric patients exposed to chemical, biological, or radiological agents. Matt is a former US Navy Medical Corps Lieutenant Commander, and served with the Chemical Biological Incident Response Force, where he qualified as a weapons of mass destruction medical specialist.

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