
  • Colorado Avalanche Rescue Dog Training with Carl Kishbaugh

    Our ski patrol and disaster meteorology expert, Kyle Nelson, comes by the episode tonight with fellow snow and mountain rescue expert Carl Kishbaugh. Karl is a ski-patroller with years of experience in mountain and ski-lift rescue as well as avalanche dog handling. Ruby, his avalanche search and rescue dog, recently trained with he and Kyle on helicopter acclimation and landing zone handling.

  • Disaster Pre-Planning and Community and Responder Preparedness

    Henry Mitchell joined the show and we switched gears to discuss emergency planning and management of diverse community resources to prepare to respond to emergencies and disaster situations. Henry is Deputy Director Office of Emergency Preparedness Response in the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. He holds an MS Emergency Response and Biosecurity and specialized for a time in Disaster Behavioral Health.

  • Connecting Public-Private Sector Partnerships with Healthcare Ready

    Tom Cotter, MPH, serves as executive director of Healthcare Ready, bringing more than a decade of global health readiness and response expertise to expand nonprofit’s mission-driven work addressing health equity. Healthcare Ready is a nonprofit organization established in 2007 to help strengthen the US healthcare system and assist all communities in planning for, responding to, and recovering from disasters and disease pandemics.

  • NHERI Deploys Resources in Advance of Hurricanes with Dan Zehner

    The National Science Foundation NHERI (Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure) organization had teams out in advance of the recent hurricanes to strike Florida. They set up for the Sentinel Program from the University of Florida to use sensor platforms to detect all the various forces from incoming storms. This was the first full deployment of the Sentinel system.

  • Zeroeyes Active Shooter Detection/Prevention Software

    ZeroEyes technology delivers a proactive, human-verified visual gun detection and situational awareness solution. It integrates into existing digital security cameras on a site to stop mass shootings and gun-related violence. Jonathan Norton, VP of Commercial Sales for ZeroEyes comes on the show to talk about their ground-breaking software and human verification service that completes the process to eliminate false positives causing needless lockdowns.

  • Citizen Cardiac Arrest Response with Pulsepoint

    Former San Ramon Valley Fire Chief Richard Price was having lunch one day when he saw one of his engines stopping in front of the restaurant. Someone in an adjacent business had suffered a cardiac arrest. What really bothered him was that he, a trained responder was only yards away and he had an AED in his vehicle. Had he been alerted, he could have provided care much sooner than waiting for the responding professionals.

  • Med Global’s Ukraine Mission

    Tim Conley and Dr. Kateryna Riabko from Med Global to talk about the training mission they worked on together in Ukraine. Med Global provides surgical and nursing training along with equipment training with things like ultrasound devices. They also work to train medical staff on chemical weapons that might be released during the war there.

  • Helene Response Update with Dr. Joe Holley in the Field

    Disaster Podcast host Sam Bradley reached out and connected with Dr. Joe Holley while deployed in the field. Joe has been hard at work with the FEMA IST (Federal Emergency Management Agency Incident Support Team) while they supported teams in the field for Hurricane Helene. He and his wife Kimberly are currently in North Carolina finishing up the immediate search and rescue support for that region.

  • Hurricane Milton 2024 Potential Impacts and Predictions

    On this episode of the Disaster Podcast, host Sam Bradley takes the helm to lead a discussion with our team about the impending impacts of Hurricane Milton on the central Florida Gulf Coast. Disaster Meteorologists Dan DePodwin and Kyle Nelson jump in with their expertise on the current track predictions. Disaster emergency management expert Becky DePowin shares her takes on preparedness messaging leading up to the storm as well.

  • Helping First Responders in Need

    This week we look at the needs of first responders who have fallen on hard times. The Primum Non Nocere Foundation (pnnf.net) provides short term resources to help out our brothers and sisters who need a bit of help in a time of need. Founder Louis Cazzetta comes on the show with co-hosts Sam Bradley and Jamie Davis to discuss the important work he's doing.

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