Hurricane Irma Response Update from Teams Enroute to the Aftermath

Hurricane Irma Sunday TrackIn this special episode, we have Dr. Joe Holley on to talk about the deployments and outlook on the ground from the incident support team (IST) inbound to southern Florida on Sunday afternoon (9/10). Also on the show is Kyle Nelson our disaster weather expert with an update the progress of Hurricane Irma as it tracks up the west coast of Florida along the Gulf of Mexico.

Joe looks at the broad federal response for Hurricane Irma from the U.S. Virgin Islands to Puerto Rico and, of course, Florida as the storm hits the mainland today (Sunday, 9/10). Kyle provides an overview of the forecast and the hazards associated with this storm.

More Episodes to Come From Irma Response

We will be bringing you more special updates from our deployed Disaster Podcast team members as we get them in.

Stay tuned here to the Disaster Podcast website at or on our Disaster Podcast Facebook group for updates and discussion.

Disaster Podcast
Disaster Podcast
Jamie Davis, Sam Bradley, Joe Holley, Kyle Nelson

The show for first responders to major incidents worldwide.

Check out this episode and if you have questions, leave them here or on our new disaster podcast Facebook Group.

Paragon Brings “The Experience”

Paragon Medical Education Group specializes in bringing what they call “The Experience” to jurisdictions around the country. They bring together police, fire, EMS, and hospital teams to train together and learn what to expect from each diverse group in the response team so that each knows what to expect from the other and how to back the other groups up. Visit Paragon’s site at for more information on how this can be brought into your system.




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